About Our Project


The eTwinning project GETTING CLOSER started in September 2008 and its authors are three European schools: IES Menéndez Pidal in Avilés (Spain), St.Brigid´s College in Derry (Ireland) and Gymnázium Vysoké Mýto (Czech Republic). After the initial exchange of greeting cards and introducing themselves through a series of Power Point presentations, the students worked in teams on agreed topics. This way they have learned a lot of interesting things about themselves and later about their partners when they studied their partners´presentations. After asking each other a lot of questions which were answered in detail by the partners, the students were ready to write about the similarities, differences and interesting bits.

When you get to know your partners and learn to understand them better, you GET CLOSER.

We would like to thank all the people who helped us with this project. 


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